Welcome to Our Journey

ourjourneyWelcome to our journey! It has been a long time coming, but God’s timing is immaculate! I could not begin to put into words how God has opened our hearts and prepared us for the exciting task ahead in Thailand and yet I will try.

I still remember the day; it seems like yesterday, but 6 years have already passed.

Chris and I were married January 9, 2010 and welcomed our first daughter on June 13, 2010.  Yes, if you do the math she was conceived before our marriage! Praise God for His redemptive love! Chris at that time was not a believer, an atheist, and a staunch one at that! I loved him so much, but after finding out I was pregnant I knew in my heart I needed to turn back to the Lord. It was kind of hopeless for me, pregnant, newly married…to an atheist, living with my parents until we were able to find a house! Day in and day out, God was the one who sustained me! I turned to Him because I was desperate and had no one else to comfort me.  I knew His unfailing love and enduring mercy from childhood, and felt His gentle pursuit, drawing closer to me as I drew closer to Him.

In the May following our wedding, Chris arrived home after a usual day of work and long commute.  I ran from the front door and warmly greeted him. From his embrace he says that there is something he needs to tell me. Anxiety and curiosity overtake me as I eagerly a wait what would follow.

“I think I’m saved.”

“What do you mean ‘your saved’?, I blurt out, “You would know if you’re saved!”

And that was the beginning, the very beginning. I got to see firsthand the radical, transforming, audacious, unbelieving power of Christ’s love through my husband! Over the next few months, God gave Chris an insatiable desire to read His word. He grew so rapidly in spiritual maturity and His whole being was changing! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was so challenged in my own faith that I began to seek God more!

We were attending the small church I grew up in, and we started to get more involved! We started working with the youth group, were part of the worship team, also helped to plan outreaches to the community, and we started our own small group! God was just doing amazing things, and we were so happy to be a useful part of the body of Christ.


In Fall of 2012, our second daughter was born! It was during this season that God began to stir Chris’s heart for missions! He was feeling this tug! One night he came to bed, rolled over and asked, “What if we just sell everything and move overseas?”

I was in shock! I had just spent my entire pregnancy nesting, getting everything just perfect for the baby! I’ll admit, my response was one of angerIMG_0526.jpg and annoyance!

“God doesn’t want us to sell everything and move overseas!”  Laughter must have overtaken heaven, because several months later God put the same burden on my own heart! So here we are NINE months from separating from 10 years of service in the military, selling all our things, and moving our family overseas to Thailand! And we couldn’t be more thrilled!

We just want to be faithful servants where ever God is leading us! Thank you for trusting in God’s call over us, for supporting us with your prayers and financial support! It is because of other members of the body of Christ, like you, that we can do our part, be the feet and carry the good news of Jesus Christ to the unreached people of Thailand!

weloveyou 1


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6 thoughts on “Welcome to Our Journey

  1. I pray God will bless and keep you all in his loving embrace! I still remember the early days and just for the record God has done a MIGHTY WORK in you BOTH!
    His love is amazing and his Grace and Mercy are beyond what we even can conceive.
    Miss you all and wishing you a safe journey from Elizabeth City,
    Donnie, Debbie & Morgan


  2. Awesome! I am so happy for you guys. I’ll never forget the first time I met Chris he was the gate guard NAS Pensacola. I was having a irritable morning, it was in the summer and I hear good morning blah blah and I look at Chris for the first time and asked him how he was doing, mind you it was at least 90 degrees and this guy had on a vest, full uniform and he says “I’m blessed brother the sun is shining and the birds are singing and I got a beautiful view.” Needless to say my morning got better right there. A few months later after I got out of the Navy I met Chris and the gym he told me his story and it reignited that flame and my relationship with Christ. Eventually I had the chance to meet his beautiful family and they are all just the happiest nicest friendliest people you could ever meet and I pray for great miracles and success in Thailand. I love you guys!


    1. Levi,

      Thank you so much for your kind comment my brother! It has been such an honor to know you, have you in our home, and hear your story. It’s amazing to see God take men like me and you, the most unlikely and broken vessels, and use them to display his love and glory. That morning I battled with the urge to complain. It was not me who spoke life into you. No amount of “good” intentions or hard work will ever truly display the image of Jesus to the world. It is only through the intervening power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus can ever be properly represented in this world. I know, Levi, that the Holy Spirit has begun a work in you that will bring hope and restoration to the world around you in the most powerful and unimaginable ways. I’m excited to take part in this journey with you being obedient to our Savior. God bless you my good friend:)



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